True to its value, the Saget Family offers an introductory journey along the Loire through its two signature labels Guy Saget and La Perrière, as well as its estate wines: Domaine Saget in Pouilly-sur-Loire, Domaine de Terres Blanches in Bué-en-Sancerre, Domaine des Grandes Espérances in Mesland in Touraine and Château de la Mulonnière in Beaulieu-sur-Layon in Anjou.
Guy Saget and La Perrière labels are designed to appeal to wine lovers seeking an introduction to the world of Loire wines, whilst the estates offer the chance to truly immerse oneself in the subtlety and diversity of our terroir wines.
For those who would like to extend the experience, Maison Saget La Perrière offers breaks in one of its two Sancerre hotels and the opportunity to take part in regional tourist and gourmet food activities via its Loire & Terroirs getaways.