SafeSite™ is a data-driven COVID-19 screening and testing solution that combines on-site mobile laboratories with lab based RT-PCR and rapid-response, repetitive testing to ensure a location is as free from COVID-19 as currently possible.
SafeSite's comprehensive protocol accurately and quickly tests a workforce, location, event, school or team daily and immediately prior to entering a location. Combined with a smartphone app, SafeSite PASS™, we manage all test results, reporting, tracking, and tracing to ensure only individuals that are COVID-19 free can enter a location.
The SafeSite protocol includes:
• Rapid-response tests to get results within 15 minutes or less
• Mobile laboratory vehicles to test, analyze, and report on-site (CLIA certified)
• Dual testing with both RT-PCR test and antigen to increase accuracy (FDA approved)
• Medically administered by RN level staff to maintain proper sample collection and testing
• Daily testing which is the only way to keep a location safe, day-after-day
• Digitally managed by SafeSitePASS™
SafeSite™ is best solution to getting a workforce together safely day after day.