For more than 18 years, the multi-specialty doctors at Saddleback Medical Group (SMG) have provided extraordinary care to residents in the Laguna Hills, California area. Our board-certified physicians are medical specialists in Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Family Medicine, Nephrology, Dermatology, Endocrinology, and Infectious Disease. Together, through collaborative care they offer leading edge treatments and the latest technology for a variety of problems across a broad spectrum of healthcare specialties all under one roof. Most importantly, our highly qualified physicians offer compassionate care and establish personal relationships with their patients in a warm and welcoming environment. Saddleback Medical Group provides patient-focused, evidence-based medical care, which is responsive to the changes in healthcare delivery, cost-sensitivity, and the needs of our community.
Hospitals and Health Care
HQ Location
24221 Calle de la Louisa
Laguna Hills, California 92653, US
Board-certified physiciansMulti-specialty careCollaborative careCompassionate carePersonal relationships with patientsResponsive to changes in healthcare deliveryCost-sensitive careMeeting the needs of the community
Internal MedicineGastroenterologyFamily MedicineNephrologyDermatologyEndocrinologyInfectious DiseaseLeading edge treatmentsLatest technologyPatient-focused careEvidence-based medical care