Sabir international company is one of the largest and most reputable contractors the field of exporting technical and engineering services which has been established by aiming atexecution of fundamental projects since establishment.
This company has executed numerous projects in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan,Syria, Armenia, Guinea ,equatorial, Algeria and inside the country.
Sabir international enjoys very efficient and experienced management and managesit’s projects by engaging skilled experts and using big fleet of heavy machinery and equipment in a way that it fulfills the consent of all it’s clients and employers.
Field of Activity :
Water category
- Dam construction
- Water and sewage treatment plant
- Water conveyance canals and drainage networks
- Water conveyance tunnels in the ways: ( water tanks) and (water distribution networks)
- Sewage and Surface water collection networks
- Wharfs and breakwater structure
Road construction and transportation category
- Construction of freeway and highway
- Construction of concrete and steel bridges
- Tunnel construction with TBM and NATM methods
- Infrastructure and superstructure of railway
- Construction of runway and landscaping
Construction category
- Construction of Administrative and residential buildings and hotels with industrial and traditional methods
- Construction of hospitals and health centers
Installation and equipment category
- Installation of water and sewage treatment plnats
- Instrumentation and hydro mechanical installations of dams
- Installations of Administrative and residential buildings, hospitals and health centers