SYSTRA provides transport planning consultancy for mass transit, rail, airport and urban transport engineering services, benefiting from over 60 years of experience from its parent companies, SNCF and RATP.
Active in 80 countries worldwide, SYSTRA is involved in project planning well before the start of the design stage and continues through to deployment.
SYSTRA Aviation offer includes; Aviation and Airport Consultancy, Airport Operations, Engineering and PMCM.
Our dedicated Aviation and Airports team have worked with governments, NGOs and operators to prepare air passenger forecasts for airports across the globe. These forecasts have been used to inform the long-term planning of major hub airports, to analyse competition in aviation markets and to facilitate the design of aviation facilities.
We offer unrivalled experience in modelling policy-sensitive aviation forecasts, and are acknowledged as global leaders in analysing the environmental impacts of aviation as well as the associated economic effects.
Surface access is crucial to the efficient operation of airports. SYSTRA Aviation has partnered with major airports to analyse their existing surface access arrangements, forecast future surface access demand and to propose enhancements to their surface access networks and services.
SYSTRA Aviation works with airport planners, architects and engineers to design passenger and cargo terminals, supporting ground transport facilities, road networks and pedestrian linkages and to ensure that these meet the expectations of future users.