STEM Wana Trust

STEM Wana Trust specializes in Non-profit Organizations with 2 employees
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About STEM Wana Trust
Our kaupapa, mission, and purpose: To engage and inspire a new generation and to be beneficial to the community by providing direction and management of resources to promote awareness of opportunities in STEM to young people and their families. STEM Wana Trust is a Registered Charity (Number CC56830) | GST 128-053-433. The Trust has been created with the following purpose and aims: “To engage and inspire a new generation of scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians through creative community initiatives and events.” • promoting science, technology, engineering and mathematics (“STEM”), including by way of festivals and community events to engage and inspire a new generation of scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians; • being beneficial to the community by providing direction and management of resources to promote awareness of opportunities in STEM to young people and their families; • advancing education by providing guidance to nurture and retain talent in STEM.
Year Founded
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Non-profit Organizations
HQ Location
148 Durham Street Tauranga, Bay of Plenty 3110, NZ
STEM FestivalsScienceTechnologyEngineeringMathematicsCommunity
STEM Wana Trust Location
  • 148 Durham Street Tauranga, Bay of Plenty 3110, NZ

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