SPT Offshore, a DEME Offshore subsidiary, is the leading offshore contractor for suction pile anchors and foundations. SPT undertakes and manages EPCI project worldwide from suction pile anchors for moorings and pipelay startup, suction pile foundations of jackets and subsea structures to complete Self Installing Platforms (SIPs)®, Self Installing Monopiles (SIMs)® for platform extensions and Suction Installed Wind Turbines (SIWTs)®.
SPT Offshore has a highly qualified staff to manage offshore EPCI projects, including project managers and engineers, geotechnical and structural engineers, naval architects and a team of experienced offshore personnel.
SPT Offshore operates its own well-proven suction pump equipment required for the installation of suction piles and anchors from shallow to deep water. Over the years, SPT Offshore has been involved in the design, fabrication, transportation, installation and/or removal of over 400 suction pile anchors and foundations and various self- and barge-installed platforms worldwide.