SPAN Parent Advocacy Network—an independent, parent-led non-profit organization—is committed to empowering and supporting parents as advocates for improving the lives of children. Our foremost commitment is to those with greatest need due to:
- Disability or special health/mental health needs
- Material poverty or financial instability
- Discrimination (race, sex, language, immigrant status, homelessness, etc.)
- Involvement in the foster care, child welfare, or juvenile justice systems
- Geographic location
- Other special circumstances
Our programs/services for families, professionals, and others interested in the healthy development and education of children and youth include workshops, publications, direct support, and policy advocacy. We are committed to assisting parents in becoming informed and empowered advocates as they negotiate the systems serving children and families including education (general, special education, bilingual education and Title I), and health care.
KNOW their rights
ACCESS resources and information
SECURE appropriate services
NAVIGATE education, health, mental health systems
KEEP children in school
PREPARE for life after high school
CONNECT with other parents who understand
BE catalysts to improve services for children and families
START parent groups
BECOME effective partners in improving schools
ADVOCATE for other children and families