SNAP, Inc. is an SBA-certified small business headquartered in Chantilly, Virginia. SNAP is also a certified Minority Business Enterprise in both Maryland and Virginia.
SNAP's small business structure allows us to hand-pick team members who will carry out our focus on exceeding the expectations of our customers, and continuing our legacy as a trusted solutions provider of Information Technology and mission-critical on-site support services including research, analysis, and strategic planning for Federal and State Government and commercial clients. SNAP has created innovative solutions for Government and Fortune 500 organizations, and is uniquely positioned to apply Industry Best Practices to our customers’ needs.
SNAP’s ability to identify and define the needs of clients, track record for meeting those needs, and reputation for total client satisfaction have resulted in a continually growing top-tier client list.
Government Relations Services, Medical Treatments, Mental & Behavioral Health, Physical Therapists
HQ Location
4080 Lafayette Center Drive
Suite 340
Chanitlly, VA 20151, US
Information Technology ServicesProgram and Enterprise Systems ManagementTraining ServicesTraining and Information Technology Solutions