1 to support SMEs and (SOs) in identifying innovation opportunities and building international teams & consortia particularly around topics significant to aerospace primes.
2 to support SMEs & SOs to recognise FP7 & 8 call opportunities, and to prepare and submit well-conceived proposals.
3 to identify the critical issues in long term research within aerospace SMEs &SOs, resolving them where possible.
4 to increase participation from SMEs & SOs in countries that are in deficit in terms of participation iin the European Research Area (ERA).
5 to support SMEs & SOs to participate in proposals as initiators of proposals rather than being followers.
6 to create a greater number of pan-European clusters to expand opportunities currently limited by a focus on regional or national clusters.
7 to increase participation in sustainable development programmes, such as the green programme "Clean Sky".
8 to create a sustainable post-project organisation to provide recommendations to the European Commission on tackling emerging critical issues.