Chemical Manufacturing, Enrofloxacin Oral Solution, Veterinary Medicines · 11 Employees
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S M Chemicals is in the field of Manufacturing and Marketing Chemicals in Hyderabad since 2000 (for the past 20 years).
The CEO of the company ( Mr. Partha Sarathi ) has a vast technical and commercial field experience in the field of total water management including effluent water Treatment.
The company has vast experience in chemicals and polymers for the industries that are related to
Aqua Culture
Pulp and Paper
Sugar Mills
Biomass Power Plants
Heavy Industries in power and public sectors.
We are in constant search and research for new and advanced applications in the industrial and institutional markets.
Our Mission
Our main mission is to provide our customers with the chemicals they need to successfully operate their company,
We accomplish this by delivering unprecedented quality goods, maintenance and versatility in the industry.
We look forward to expand our supply lines and pricing competitiveness, while operating our business in a Healthy and Sound manner.
Our aim is to produce, and sell high-quality chemical products that meet the requirements of our customers.
Our Vision
Our Vision is to be the most admired organization, industry leader and preferred employer in our chosen sector.
We are committed to building a work culture that encourages faith in the organisation, recognizes the individual and supports the diversity of the organisation.