Beauty has its universe
...20 years of experience in the backstages of prestigious fashion shows, cinema, theatre, opera where requirement & perfection are the masterwords.
... 20 years of creation devoted to this ephemeral & so fantastic art : The Make Up. I wish transparency, subtility, shades to be harmonising with skincare and to make a perfectly balanced make up product. 20 years passed requiring to my loyal staff (which I will never thank eough) to realise my creaziest dreams. I am dedicating all my project and I am committing myself to carry on creating "beautiful" mixing fashion & nature. Today being beautiful & glamourous while respecting one's health & environment is possible.
I have taken and intensified a strategy, using all my creative energy, to create a concept of beauty meeting your demands.
My skincare makeup range offers global beauty : make up & skin care at the same time thanks to top technologies, organic & natural ingredients. We try our best to use as much organic & natural ingredients as possible in our products to better respect your skin.
Although the concept is based on tradition, authenticity & natural it is envolving and adapting according to fashion & design rules. I express with my products sensitivity to the trends. My dream is that every woman can with my make up realise the beauty she never dared before but the one she has always dreamt of.
I created a beauty universe in which every woman would identify....
Serge Louis Alvarez