SIRIUS is a Norwegian Centre for Research-driven Innovation that addresses the problems of scalable data access in the oil & gas industry. The centre combines public funding for basic research with funding from its industry partners into an 8 year programme for industrial innovation. The centre started 1st November 2015 and will, according to plan, finish 31st October 2023.
SIRIUS draws together a consortium of leading industrial organisations across the oil & gas value chain, including operators (Statoil), service companies (Schlumberger and DNV-GL) and IT companies (Computas, Evry, fluid Operations AG, Dolphin Interconnect Solutions, fluid Operations AG, IBM, Kadme, Numascale, OSISoft and SAP). In SIRIUS these companies work with researchers from the University of Oslo, NTNU, the University of Oxford and Simula Research Laboratories.
The SIRIUS researchers are experts in IT technologies, including high-performance and cloud computing, database technology, semantic technologies and natural language processing. The centre also includes researchers in the area of working practices involving novel technology.
The centre aims to provide the oil & gas business with better ways to access and use the massive amounts of data that are generated in projects and daily operation. Problems with data access are made more acute by the rise of big data, the internet of things and digitalisation of enterprises. SIRIUS approaches these problems using an interdisciplinary approach, as successful innovation depends on the combination of technologies.
The centre is designed to support technological innovation through a portfolio of projects defined by the centre ́s board. These projects develop basic technology in laboratory projects and then move the technology through prototypes to pilots in industrial applications. The centre ́s intellectual property model is designed to build a core of open knowledge on which commercial applications can be built.