Sete Greek Tourism Confederation

Leisure, Travel & Tourism · 2 Employees
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We envision Greece enjoying economic growth and social development and we seek to maximize the contribution of tourism. We want tourism to bring together all of Greece’s precious “assets” –human resources, the productive sectors, culture, the environment, know-how, innovation, entrepreneurship– in order to create a higher standard of living for the country. Our mission SETE’s mission is to constantly enhance the competitiveness of tourism and to promote its leading role in the Greek economy and society. Our institutional role In its capacity as a social partner since 2013, SETE represents the national unions of tourism enterprises, as well as individual businesses operating within the broader tourism industry and covering the entire range of the sector’s activities. Moreover, SETE is invariably committed to its undertaking, which includes constructive dialogue and consultation with all tourism stakeholders, with a view to maximizing the contribution of tourism to the national economy, employment, social cohesion, and local economies and communities. SETE has fully activated its two advanced operational branches, Marketing Greece –for the promotion of small enterprises and of all destinations– and INSETE – for data production and analysis, as well as for the development of quality standards and modern educational programmes.
Year Founded
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Leisure, Travel & Tourism
HQ Location
34, Amalias Av. ATHENS, Attica 105 58, GR
  • 34, Amalias Av. ATHENS, Attica 105 58, GR

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