
Selzey Ki̇mya Turi̇zm İnşaat Medi̇kal Sanayi̇ Ve Ti̇caret Li̇mi̇ted Şi̇rketi̇

Pumping systems, sewage and waste water, prefabricated, Environmental services, renewable energies, Energy, Environment
Selzey water applications in sustainable projects throughout Turkey as we do. Water purification, re-use of resource efficiency we believe that one of the most important issues on the world agenda. For this we do quickly, while protecting the resources at hand to prevent ecological pollution. Our company serves in the sector since 2010.Our company's water / waste water / Sea water treatment / waste water recycling systems and Chemical Conditioning on the applications of the world's leading brands in sales and after-sales services is focused on.Selzey working together with partners, technical infrastructure, water treatment and recycling of all issues design, implementation, manufacturing, overhaul and service can provide.Selzey as international brands, steam boilers, cooling tower systems and waste water treatment systems are responsible for serving as a sales and technical service of water treatment chemicals.With our system that we used in our analysis and information we provide infrastructure technical consultancy services. Priority projects that will increase water efficiency in our country is our goal. Our goal is to ensure the implementation of a system which operates with low operating costs and high water efficiency.
Year Founded
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Pumping systems, sewage and waste water, prefabricated, Environmental services, renewable energies, Energy, Environment, Waste water and water pollution analysis and treatment services, Effluent purification systems, biological, textile fixed bed, Water, sewage and industrial effluent treatment plant and equipment, Technical parts, rubber, by industry, Rubber products, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals & Plastics, Rubber products for the chemical industry
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Pumping systems, sewage and waste water, prefabricated, Environmental services, renewable energies, Energy, Environment

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