Seed Venture

Software Development · 2 Employees
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SEED was born as an innovative blockchain-based tool that enables the encounter between investments and disruptive ideas, ideas which must be developed and enter the market in order to demonstrate their value. Financing start-ups at an early stage is usually the most difficult and risky phase: through the tokenization of venture capital and risk distribution mechanisms, the platform allows for the liquidity of the investment at all times and the mitigation of risks. With a fundamental add-on: the support until success by the venture incubators, which also oversee the financed capital - thanks to the mechanisms provided by the platform - for the purposes stated by the start-ups. *** SEED nasce come strumento innovativo blockchain-based che abilita l’incontro tra il capitale e le idee dirompenti, idee che devono essere sviluppate ed entrare nel mercato per dimostrare il loro valore. Finanziare start-ups nei momenti iniziali rappresenta la fase piu’ difficile e rischiosa: attraverso la tokenizzazione del capitale e i meccanismi di distribuzione del rischio, la piattaforma permette la liquidabilità dell’investimento in ogni momento e la mitigazione dei rischi. Con un add-on fondamentale: l’affiancamento fino a successo da parte dei venture incubators, che ne presidiano il capitale finanziato - grazie ai meccanismi della piattaforma - per gli scopi dichiarati dalle start-ups.
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Software Development
HQ Location
PP2 London, 6537, GB
blockchainfintechventure capitalcrowdinvestingand crowdfuding
  • PP2 London, 6537, GB

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