Now in our fourth generation, we specialise in scales and components for scales. Starting from purely mechanical scales and weighing systems with cutting edges, pans and lever calculation to hybrid weighing technology and all the way to state-of-the-art purely electronic devices, both technology and people have seen substantial changes. Mastering this challenge is the heart of our work every day – and always with the aim of finding the right solutions for our customers. We offer you solutions for a range of sectors, including the chemical, pharmaceutical, metalworking, foodstuff and agricultural industries, research institutions and laboratories, and other fields and applications.
Business Model
Manufacturer, Producer
Leak detectors, Electronic Equipment, Electrical & Electronic Equipment, Weighing and dosing equipment
HQ Location
Dolmarstrasse 5,98547 Kühndorf
Main Products
LcbSpring BalanceMehrbereichs Edelstahl-PlattformwaageScale SupplierKraftmessdosen, ElektrischePlattformwaage Isc Mit Terminal WdeskScale Repair ServicePallet ScalesRoad Vehicle ScalesWeighing And Dosing Equipment