The Santa Barbara High School Computer Science Academy Foundation is a non-profit entity that operates independently from the Computer Science Academy and SBHS. The Foundation Board helps to raise money for the Academy. 100% of the funds go directly to support CS Academy programs. Our mission is to support the CS Academy in its goal of exposing and educating the students of SBHS to the field of computer science.
The Foundation Board’s role is:
To aid in fundraising to meet the financial needs of the CS Academy.
To provide financial oversight and strategic planning of resources.
To provide supplemental administrative support.
To encourage parent involvement in the CS Academy.
To support extracurricular opportunities for students.
To share professional expertise, skills and connections with the CS Academy Director and staff as they implement the Academy’s vision.
The Foundation Board is comprised of volunteer members who work closely with the CS Academy Director and staff to build community ties that support the academy’s mission. We represent the parent arm of the CS Academy and inform parents of volunteer opportunities through regular communications and Parent Network meetings. Parent Network meetings allow parents to regularly meet with Foundation Board members to get updates on what is happening in the CS Academy, to learn about upcoming events and to join working committees to assist in the support of the academy. The Board also hosts regular social events for parents.