SAMUEL GUÌ YANG was established 2015. The studio is based in between London and Shanghai.
By mixing and merging Chinese and western codes historic and contemporary references they have carved out their ownn distinct aesthetic where the result is both boundless and borderless. The brand aims to operate with a holistic sustainable approach. Choices of fabrics, manufacturers, design and ways of presentation are all taking into careful consideration.
SAMUEL GUÌ YANG由设计师Samuel Yang 2015年在伦敦创立,现品牌坐标于伦敦与上海。设计师Samuel Yang 和Erik Litzen 擅于对服装工艺以及视觉语言不断探索与创新,融汇东西方美学语言,从一个崭新的角度诠释东方韵味。通过独特的廓形与精致的裁剪来建立一个极具强烈个人色彩并渗透着神秘气质的女性衣橱。品牌致力于可持续发展,从产品设计,面料挑选,生产到展示,每一环节均着以慎重考量。