Based on a half a century of experience in production, equipment and specialized services in the industry, specially the Oil and Gas industry, SADID Industrial Group in 2012 established a holding company named SADID Oil and Gas Development Company (SOGC).
In this regard, the SADID Oil and Gas Development Company (SOGC) by relying on its recent achievements in scientific management of senior managers and also by taking the advantage of its existing potential including facilities, equipment and high capacity industrial production , set its goal to identify and participate in upstream and downstream projects.
SADID Oil and Gas Development Company (SOGC) with reliance of 50 year technical and economical experience of SADID Industrial Group and also with the great advantage of having experts and experienced personnel in Oil and Gas Industry is ready to go far beyond the excellence both nationally and internationally.
We put our Effort to consider global standards to maintain the quality in the highest level permanently as the most precious investment in our business.
In our way to excellence, innovative and knowledge-based employees along with the ability to make well established interactions with stakeholders will be our advantages.
We will be trying to improve the quality of our services and activities in the following areas:
• Providing Oil and Gas Engineering services and Project management.
• Supplying of Oil and Gas production Technologies, License , Goods and Equipments.
• Swapping of Crude Oil, LPG and Oil Products.
• Construction and Commissioning of pipelines for Oil , Gas , Condensate and Oil Products via PC, PCF,EPCF contracts.
• Trading Oil and Oil Products(Import, Export, Swap, transit, Sell and Purchase)
• Construction and installation of Storage facilities for Crude Oil, LPG, Condensate and Oil Products via BOT and BOO contracts.