The SA Leaders for Gender Equity is a group of South Australian business and community leaders working together with the common aim of achieving gender equality.
The Leaders were established by the South Australian Equal Opportunity Commission in 2012. The group was initially modelled on the Male Champions of Change but then in 2017 the group expand to include women. In 2021 the secretariat support for the group moved from the Equal Opportunity Commission to the South Australian Department for Human Services. At this time the group became The South Australian Leaders for Gender Equity (SALGE). The revised group reviewed its purpose and is committed to advancing gender equity by changing behaviour and levelling the playing field across businesses, not-for-profit and government organisations who are based in SA. SALGE’s purpose is to advance gender equity because talent is gender neutral, but bias isn’t. SALGE will do this by having a voice in all rooms and through their influence in the community.
SALGE members will act individually and collectively to inform and influence all levels of South Australian business and government on the importance of gender equity.
Values – What the group believes in and stands for:
- Openness
- Courage
- Integrity
- Commitment