Ryan BI is a niche advisory consulting business and customer representative working within the property and commercial real estate sectors. We work collaboratively with customers under flexible engagement terms, often embedded within their organisations for short, mid or long terms, as an economical alternative to employing full time resources.
Our small team have worked for some of the worlds largest organisations and are well versed in understanding the life cycle operation and management of building assets and the unique business drivers and objectives of the various stakeholders. We leverage over 40 years experience and extensive global networks, to connect you with the best service providers, technologies and solutions available, to deliver the greatest operational and financial returns for the life cycle of your property assets.
We specialize in presenting business cases and ROI's to key decision makers, by removing complexity and introducing a level of transparency and accountability that reduces risk and increases customer confidence that project outcomes are successfully delivered.
Supported by our technology partner Setmetrics (http://www.setmetrics.com/) we apply rapid thermal energy modelling via a Virtual Intelligence Platform (VIP), enabling us to simulate unlimited scenarios to identify, evaluate and develop high performing solutions for your facility, then validate and track forecasted outcomes in real time, via a dynamic and interactive unified customer interface once the improvement initiatives are implemented.
The Setmetrics VIP is world leading disruptive technology that applies machine learning and artificial intelligence capabilities to assist in the development of high performance life cycle strategies and project realistic outcomes supported by engineering principals and empirical data. The platform is tethered to real time information such as weather data, utility data and building controls data, creates a "Digital Twin" of your facility, replicating the performance and holding designers accountable by normalizing output reporting for easy consumption.
Call us to see how to get real time information at your finger tips and improve your:
- Asset/Portfolio data quality
- Data and document management
- Asset performance
- Capital and operational expenditure programs
- Returns on investment
- Portfolio/industry bench marking and continuous improvement programs
- Risk
and help to unlock thousands in consulting fees and static reports that become redundant shortly after they have been delivered.
For more information email us at info@ryanbi.com