Ruksax International, Inc. can deliver good quality Bags, Belts & Wallets and various other United States Ruksax Vinyl Handbags, Purses, Bags, Totes, Toteba goods, as they are a recognized Manufacturer. The factory of Ruksax International, Inc. is located in Washington United States. Ruksax International, Inc. is a topmost company in United States that is trading internationally. Ruksax International, Inc. Description Name: Corbin Address: Washington Country: United States Main Products: Ruksax Vinyl Handbags, Purses, Bags, Totes, Toteba Year Established: 1970 Export Focus: Australia, Canada, Germany, France, United Kingdom Estimated Employees: 201 - 300 People Registered Capital: Above US$100 Million Ownership Status: Private Owner Export Percentage: 61% - 70% Factory Size: Below 1, 000 square meters Production Lines: 3 Research Team Size: 11 - 50 People Contract Services: Design Service Offered