Rubaco SARL is a DRC based Exploration and Drilling Service Provider.
Rubaco SARL is geared to provide a complete range of drilling facilities to accommodate all types of drilling job for the Congolese mineral exploration & Mining industry.
Rubaco SARL also maintains a premier health and safety culture for all parties associated with the company and its operations. Company values equal importance to environmental protection, operational efficiency, customer service, and profitability
Drilling Services -
• Mineral Exploration
o Surface Coring / Diamond Drilling – 2400m Depth Capacity
o Reverse Circulation (RC ) Drilling – 200m Depth Capacity
o Multipurpose (RC Pre-Collaring Continued by Diamond tails) Drilling
o Auger
o RAB / Percussion
• Mining
o Grade Control Drilling
o Blasthole Drilling
o Geotechnical Drilling
o Dewatering Holes
o Service Holes
• Water
o Hydro Geological Investigations
o Mine Dewatering - Large Diameter, Production & Monitoring Wells.
o Production Wells
o Domestic Tube Wells
o Community Wells
• Geo-Technical
• Under Ground Drilling
• Topographic Survey
• Civil (Drill pads, Access Roads) & others
HQ Location
26 -27, Poteau Rouge, Route Kambove, Commune de Pande,
Likasi, Haut-Katanga 243, CD
Diamond Core Drilling - Depth Range 2000m in NQRC DrillingLarge Diameter Water Wells for Mine DewateringGeotechnical Drilling /InvestigationsGrade Control DrillingBlasthole DrillingHydrogeological InvestigationsAuger DrillingUnderground DrillingTopographic Survey