In 2009, three entrepreneurs made a crazy bet...
Alexandre Guerrier, Christophe and Delphyne Dabezies, three dynamic French entrepreneurs who have been living in Madagascar since the end of the 90s, decided to launch themselves into the Caviar business.
Specialists in the manufacture of luxury clothing for the most prestigious houses in the world, and wishing to diversify their activities, they embarked on a human adventure that no one else would have attempted and created Rova Caviar Madagascar.
The site of Mantasoa, a lake of unparalleled beauty and water purity, preserved from all human activity, became the green setting for an exceptional fish farm, Acipenser.
After years of effort, the first caviar was produced on 26 June 2017, the day of Madagascar's bank holidays. It bears the name ROVA CAVIAR, the Queen's Palace overlooking the capital, a national emblem that stamps the tins of "Black Gold".
Today, it is a national pride that carries the Malagasy know-how, the strength of its nature and the exceptional quality of its products beyond the borders, to the tables of the whole world. The "Big Island" joins the very closed club of producing countries and becomes the only caviar in Africa and the Indian Ocean.