Route Company International Solutions

International Trade and Development, Cheese, Dairy & Eggs, Food · 2 Employees
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Route Company International Solutions is a complete company in import and export solutions, bringing benefits and cost improvements, aiming to expand the client's performance in the domestic and foreign markets. Our dedication is to understand the difficulties and / or needs of your company's Purchases and Sales, to study each case with exclusivity and to present benefits and detailed solutions that bring the best cost benefit, profitability and competitiveness, giving Global emphasis to your Business! Formed by consultants specialized in Foreign Trade and International Purchasing processes with more than 15 years of experience in the global industrial market, we saw opportunities in the local market to bring methodologies and strategies used by multinationals, based in high development countries and markets, to the Brazilian market in order to create tangible and intangible cost reductions, solutions and benefits for our customers. Our services provide our customers with the opportunity to focus on their core business, while developing strategic, fiscal and tax, logistical and customs diagnostics and solutions that bring greater productivity and competitiveness. Our Competitive Advantages: - Specialists in International Negotiations - Focus on Cost Reduction - Strategic Sourcing Methods - Tax and Customs Benefits - Prospecting international markets - Customized Project Management - Internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises
Year Founded
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International Trade and Development, Cheese, Dairy & Eggs, Food
HQ Location
Rua Vinte e Quatro de Outubro, 1611 12º andar Porto Alegre, RS 90510-002, BR
Negociação InternacionalSoluções em Comércio ExteriorInternacionalização de EmpresasRedução de CustosGlobal SourcingStrategic SourcingLogística InternacionalDesembaraço AduaneiroTreinamento em ComprasReestruturação de Compras
  • Rua Vinte e Quatro de Outubro, 1611 12º andar Porto Alegre, RS 90510-002, BR

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International Trade and Development, Cheese, Dairy & Eggs, Food

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