ROMSTAR is the pioneer service provider for In-line inspection (ILI) service for the Oil & Gas industry mainly offshore and onshore pipeline.
ROMSTAR possess its own In-house Research & Development capabilities where we design, build, and operate our own fleets of high resolution Magnetic-Flux Leakage (MFL), multichannel caliper inspections tools better known as Intelligent Pigs & pipeline mapping for onshore pipeline.
ROMSTAR develops its own data interpretation software known as ROMSOFT which is capable to produce pipeline integrity reports to clients with precision and accuracy.
ROMSTAR is still the only 100% Local OEM in Asia Pacific to develop Intelligent Pigging (IP) / Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) technology equipment and tools, offering a regional advantage of immediate deployment and faster turnaround times with quality standards and reliability levels meeting Pipeline Operators Forum (POF) guidelines.
Service Offered:
• Pipeline Inspection / In-line Inspection (ILI) Services.
• Pipeline mapping services.
• Manufacturer entire range of Pipeline Cleaning Equipment’s.
• MFL Inspection (4" - 40" Magnetic Flux Leakage Equipment Fleet).
• Multi-channel Caliper (4" - 40" Multichannel Caliper fleet).
• Data logging.
• High Pressure Tool Fleet.
• Speed Control System for Inspection Tools.
• ROMSOFT - Multidimensional Data Interpretation Software Package.