Robert Moses' Kin

Performing Arts · 11 Employees
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Founded in 1995, Robert Moses' Kin is considered by many to be one of the most prolific and exciting new contemporary dance companies to emerge nationally in the past decade. The company's mission is to produce work which speaks to what is specific and unique in human nature. Robert Moses' Kin uses movement as the medium through which race, class, culture and gender are used to voice the existence of our greater potential and unfulfilled possibilities. Founder and Artistic Director, Robert Moses explains, "My work expresses my concern with the honor, dignity, truth and potential of real people. Human lives and beliefs are the material, the choreographic elements, of my work." Robert Moses' diverse company is known for its eclectic movement vocabulary, demanding choreography, ferocious dancing, and provocative themes. Moses' focus on the expressiveness of the human body and his desire to speak with the voices of his African American heritage have produced works with regional, national and international recognition. Robert Moses' Kin has presented an annual home season in San Francisco since 1995, premiering several new works every year with a repertory of over 70 works that range from neoclassical ballet to postmodern movement theatre.
Year Founded
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Performing Arts
HQ Location
870 Market Street Suite 567 San Francisco, CA 94102, US
Modern Dance and Choreography
  • 870 Market Street Suite 567 San Francisco, CA 94102, US

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