Riverside Publishing is a leading publisher of superior educational, cognitive, and developmental assessment products in the United States, serving the K–12 educational and general clinical assessment markets with print and digital assessment tools. As the publisher of some of the country’s most widely respected and enduring assessment tools including The Iowa Tests®, the Woodcock-Johnson® family of products, and the Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests® (GMRT®), Riverside offers a broad history of excellence and experience. Most recently, Riverside has been at the forefront of advancements in student assessment—from electronic scanners to interactive online results—with DataDirectorTM and the Edusoft® Assessment Management System. Established as a wholly owned subsidiary of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in 1979, Riverside is also a charter member of the Association of Test Publishers. Information on all Riverside products and services can be found at www.riversidepublishing.com.