Revere CRE Inc. is a networking and deal execution platform for commercial real estate professionals in North America. Revere is backed by leading investors including RET Ventures, Related Companies, Holland Partner Group, The Feil Organization, Driftwood Capital, Davis Development, among others that own/operate $700 billion of real estate.
Reflecting on the increasingly virtual world we’ve become accustomed to living in since March 2020, it’s abundantly clear that networking is infinitely more challenging without the ability to meet face to face. The core problem for ALL stakeholders (Owner, Developer, Manager, Broker, Lender, Investor) is that finding each other takes too much time. Too many cold calls, emails, time on LinkedIn, meetings, and driving job sites. Revere CRE envisions a day when all commercial real estate services and products will be discoverable on a single platform designed to make it easier for owners, brokers, and capital providers to sort, compare, and select products and stakeholders in a fully transparent environment.
We're Changing The Way Deals Are Made:
At Revere, we decided to build the tools, the ecosystem, and the workflow to empower capital markets professionals with access to key decision makers, capital, information, and ideas. Revere’s purpose is to democratize CRE data for everyone, not just big companies, so all industry participants can-do high-quality research and analysis. Transactional data and capital markets info will no longer flow in one direction nor will it be something that you have to go out and get from intermediaries. It will be collected automatically in real time as a by-product of the sum total of the networks information and collective wisdom.