Reutlingen University is one of Germany’s leading universities, offering international academic programmes with close ties to industry and commerce. On our campus we have nearly 5000 students spread across five different Schools: Life Sciences, Engineering, ESB Business School, Informatics, and TEXOVERSUM School of Textiles. Professors, Visiting Lecturers and administrative and technical staff guide these talented young people along their academic path. We offer 47 degree programmes at Bachelor’s and Master’s level, in which we train the top executives of the future. At the same time it is very important to us to support our students’ personal development and to ensure that they become specialists and managers for whom social responsibility is second nature.
Higher Education, Ores, heavy metal, Ores and minerals, Minerals, Uranium ores and minerals, Cerium and thorium ores and minerals, Ores, radioactive element
HQ Location
Alteburgstraße 150
Reutlingen, Baden-Württemberg 72762, DE
International BusinessInternational ManagementInternationales WirtschaftsingenieurweseProduction ManagementMaschinenbauMechatronikTextildesigTextiltechnologieTransportation Interior DesigEntrepreneurship