We Represent Those Injured and the Families of Those Killed Throughout the State of Washington as the result of:
Abuse suffered as result of DSHS and CPS negligence;
Car accidents;
Truck accidents;
Motorcycle accidents;
Pedestrian accidents;
Bicycle accidents;
Boating accidents;
Slip and falls; and
Other accidents.
We also represent clients who have been the victims of insurance bad faith.
Our clients have often suffered severe or catastrophic injury. We understand the devastating impact of death, paralysis, traumatic brain injury, broken bones, and other significant injury. Our role as Washington injury attorneys is to take on the burden of your case while you recover.
Abuse and Neglect Resulting from DSHS/CPS Negligence:
A significant portion of our firm’s practice is devoted to helping those who have suffered horrific abuse and neglect as the result of the failure of the Washington Department of Social and Health Services (“DSHS”) and Child Protective Services (“CPS”) to protect children against abuse and neglect. To learn about our firm’s dedication to and representation of those who have been abused or neglected, please visit our DSHS/CPS Abuse and Negligence website.