Republican Vilnius university hospital is a non-profit organization bringing together clinical practice, research, education. Hospital was established in October 11th 1991 as an emergency hospital. Every year we have about 78 percent emergency patients.
It is the biggest emergency health care hospital in Lithuania and the second largest hospital in capital Vilnius where are working 6 Professors and 33 MD. PhD. Doctors, the most professional specialists in our country, some of them are well known all over the world.
The main fields – Orthopedics and traumatology, Neurosurgery and Neurology, Toxicology, Urology, Surgery, Emergency/Intensive Care.
The hospital is a research and training base for Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. It provides a base for undergraduate/postgraduate studies and allows residents to acquire knowledge, helps health care specialists to develop qualifications.