ResourcePRO is a HR Solutions company which aligns simplicity and efficiency in Human Resources to help organizations achieve their strategic business goals.
With proven expertise in specialized areas of Human Resources, we provide a standard of excellence in delivering outstanding people and process solutions to companies.
Our services include:
>Recruitment and Manpower:
Helps your organization find and hire the right candidates to fill your vacancies and build a successful team
>HR Outsourcing:
Manages your workforce and/or your discrete HR activities such as payroll administration, personnel outsourcing, health management, etc.
Upskills HR personnel and Business leaders with relevant competencies that can be transferred to the business immediately (Performance Management, Personnel Effectiveness, Team Management, etc.)
>HR Efficiency Toolkit
Equips your business with the right HR processes and procedures to ensure your workforce is productive (Informations Systems, Policies, Compensation and Benefit System, etc.)
> Expatriate management
Manages the expatriation process and documentation for your organization to ensure the seamless employment of foreign nationals
>HR projects
Deploys transformation projects with tried and tested methologies in areas such as Change Management, Employee Engagement, Resource and Talent planning, etc.
Working with ResourcePro is the guarantee of Accountability, Productivity, Quality and Trustworthy Partnerships.