The story of Resolve Surgical Technologies begins in 1992, when we entered into the industry as Pioneer Surgical Technology, Inc. Shortly thereafter, In 1993, Pioneer launched its first full system of instruments and implants for a major orthopedic OEM partner. This system, along with many other systems that Pioneer had launched, are still regarded as best in class by surgeons and partners.
Throughout the years, Pioneer had established itself as a major innovator across the orthopedic community. Then, in 2013, RTI Biologics acquired Pioneer Surgical Technology, Inc. to create RTI Surgical. Both companies saw great success as they worked together to expand both Tissue & Biologics and Metals platforms.
In 2020, Montagu Private Equity LLP acquired RTI Surgical’s OEM business.
In 2022, due to rapid growth and high industry demand of both divisions, the RTI Surgical Metals division spun off to become Resolve Surgical Technologies.