Renton Technical College

Renton Technical College specializes in Higher Education with 201 employees
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About Renton Technical College
Renton Technical College engages a diverse student population through educational opportunities for career readiness and advancement, serving the needs of individuals, the community, businesses, and industry. RTC is consistently ranked one of the best community colleges in the country. We were an Aspen Institute Top 10 College, and Washington Monthly’s 8th best two-year college in the nation. Our students have the highest completion rate in the state, and 85 percent of our students are employed nine months after graduation. We offer more than 60 programs in health care, information technology, manufacturing, business, culinary arts, and transportation technology, as well as adult basic education and general studies courses for student who want to transfer to a university. You can choose short-term certificate programs, associate degree programs, and bachelor’s programs in information technology. We offer part-time, full-time, evening, and online classes to fit your schedule.
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Higher Education
HQ Location
3000 NE Fourth St Renton, WA 98056-4123, US
Career readiness trainingHealth care educationInformation technology educationManufacturing educationBusiness educationCulinary arts educationTransportation technology educationAdult basic educationGeneral studies education
Career readiness programsHealth care programsInformation technology programsManufacturing programsBusiness programsCulinary arts programsTransportation technology programsAdult basic education coursesGeneral studies coursesShort-term certificate programsAssociate degree programsBachelor’s programsPart-time classesFull-time classesEvening classesOnline classes
NursingComputer NetworkingAerospace trainingHealth CareersBusiness SkillsEnglish as a Second LanguageBasic Adult EducatioWeldingMachine & Refrigeration TechnologyPhlebotomy Technici
Renton Technical College Location
  • 3000 NE Fourth St Renton, WA 98056-4123, US

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Renton Technical College specializes in the Higher Education field

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Renton Technical College specializes in the Higher Education field