I see myself as an intuitive, creative, informed, and highly trained Clinical Psychologist that provides a safe, nonjudgmental, and transformative environment. Therapy with me fosters a deep sense of engagement and connection, a sense of feeling heard and understood, and clarity where there was previously ambiguity. I have a passion for the importance of relationships, authentic living, self-acceptance, and the complex experiences of those who hold multiple identities. I specialize in hard to talk about topics that are often stigmatized or concealed. This includes interpersonal trauma and experiences of minority stress. I'm a LGBTQ+Affirming, and Kink-Affirming
We explore your experiences in context and your relationships. I specialize in non-traditional relationships (i.e., open, poly), kink, BDSM, infidelity, sexuality, gender ID, pornography use, and identity. I also work with LA/NYC creatives (i.e., actors/musicians) to address identity concerns, burn out, motivation, inspiration, deadlines, and perfectionism.
I work well with curious individuals who are motivated to grow, share, be vulnerable, and play in therapy and in their lives. Creativity and curiosity in psychotherapy allows both of us to explore, question, imagine, and reflect on thoughts and experiences with depth and authenticity. Together we explore more flexible ways of thinking and relating to others.