PT REKAYASA ENGINEERING (“PTRE”) was established in August 27 2001 as a subsidiary of PT REKAYASA INDUSTRI and has gradually evolved from a Profit Centre of Detailed Engineering with only handful of employees to become a multi-service engineering firm that now employs hundreds of people. The establishment is an effort to improve our
competence in engineering area to serve wider industrial markets and to expand prospective engineering business in future.
Nowadays, PTRE can also provide Basic Engineering & Field Engineering, Front End Engineering Design (FEED), EPC of Electrical & Instrument, EPC of Tank, and EPC Services in a wide range of engineering services area, as follows : Petrochemical and Chemical Area, Oil & Gas and Power Generation Area, Cement and Mineral Area, Industry Area.
Our goal is to provide the best engineering services for client through value creation and continuous improvement. Signifying our continuous strive toward excellence, SUCOFINDO International Certification Services approved and certified PTRE for ISO 9001:2008 and OHSAS 19001:2007 together with Quality Management System Certification for Engineering and Inspection Services for Process, Piping, Instrument, Electrical, Mechanical and Civil.
We committed to our clients “efficient service at the most competitive cost, on-time delivery of commitments, and confidence on their quality”, which also forms the bedrock of its customers service and quality policy. Our unfailing commitment to achieving excellence and stringent quality controls, together with the application of the state-ofthe-art engineering technologies, has firmly established PTRE as a new high competent engineering company.
Armed with a competitive strategy and global certification of its capabilities, PTRE surges forward in its vision to become a key player in the local, regional and global business area.