Reinvent Albany is a 501c3, non-profit, founded in early 2010 to win open, accountable New York State's government. We seek a government that is clear about its goals and activities, keeps its promises, and is fundamentally fair to all New Yorkers.
1. Open New York with the Internet. We encourage Governor Andrew Cuomo to launch an Open New York, digital government program which puts all and non-personal, state information, online; puts non-personal Freedom of Information Law responses on-line; and, vastly expands the use of Internet technologies which provide more information and promote public involvement.
2. Boost accountability and agency performance with a web based Governor's Performance Initiative. The Governor and all New Yorkers should know what state agencies are trying to accomplish, and how well they are doing. Currently, few agencies have publicly stated missions and goals, let alone public measurements of their performance.
3. Stop the diversion of dedicated funds. Albany needs to keep its promises to the public. Few people know that Albany has been stealing hundreds of millions of tax dollars dedicated to the environment, roads and bridges, and public transit and using them to plug the budget gap. Less than a year after the transit Payroll Mobility Tax was created to fund subway and bus riders, Albany took $140 million from it for the deficit. That theft led directly to recent transit service cuts.