Rehabilitation Options of Issaquah (ROI) is a medical rehabilitation clinic which offers a unique, team approach centered around each patient's individual needs. We assist in the recovery from muscular, skeletal and neurological injuries. ROI was founded and is lead by Michael Hatzakis MD, a board certified physician in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, specializing in recovery from muscular and neurological injuries.
The ROI team has experience treating all types of conditions including back and neck injuries and pain, shoulder injuries, headaches, athletic and recreational injuries, auto and work injuries, and neurological problems such as carpal tunnel or pinched nerves.
ROI's strength lies in the coordination of treatment with our team of professionals, including rehabilitation physicians, physical therapists, a fitness trainer, a massage and craniosacral therapist, and our providers of acupuncture and psychological services. ROI also partners with many professionals in the community; surgeons, therapists and other allopathic and homeopathic physicians, to achieve optimal patient care.
We Treat
Headaches and migraines
Back pain and injuries
Neck problems
Joint injuries, including
shoulders, ankles & knees
Sports injuries
Workplace (L&I) injuries
Auto Accident Injuries
Neurological conditions
Fitness and athletic
performance evaluation
We offer