Red Events on monipuolinen tapahtumatoimisto.
Tuotamme monipuoliset yritys- ja yleisötapahtumat, promootiot ja myynninedistämiskampanjat yrityksille. Vuokraamme aktiivista ja myyntihenkistä tapahtuma- ja promootiohenkilökuntaa ympäri Suomen.
Työntekijämme ovat iloisia ja ammattitaitoisia asiakaspalvelijoita. Palvelualttiina yrityksenä toteutamme niin pienet kuin suuret projektit vuosien kokemuksella.
Red Events Ltd is one of the most well known event marketing agencies in Finland. Our main strengths are flexible service, high quality sportive personnel and professional attitude. Our main services are corporate events, in-store and out-store promotions, street activations, and pre -and after sales concepts. Our promotion personnel network is one of the biggest in Finland, which covers almost all biggest cities in Finland. Our personnel is active, sales oriented and cheerful people, both men and women.
Red Events Ltd has high quality customer portfolio, which includes well known brands. We´re working with different associates as media and advertising agencies and other companies weekly. We have organized hundreds of events and promotions all over Finland since year 2006.