Rebound, Inc. is a grassroots, community-based, non-profit located in North Minneapolis, Minnesota. It was created to regain possession of the life trajectory of Black youth. Rebound, Inc. seeks to partner with the community in addressing the over-representation of black youth in the juvenile justice system by leading the way in the innovation and provision of holistic, community-centered, education, advocacy, and rehabilitation solutions.
What We Do:
Rebound, Inc. develops and implements programs targeted to carry out our mission in the furtherance of our vision.
Our Mission:
Lead the way in the innovation and provision of evidence-based and community-centered, education, advocacy, and rehabilitation solutions to the issues facing the Black community in the Twin Cities.
Our Vision:
Eliminate reliance on the juvenile justice systems to meet the needs of Black youth
Services Provided:
Therapeutic Group Homes
Shelter Programs
Youth Mentorship
Family Resiliency Building Program
After Care Transitional Support
After Care Community Based Support
Extended Foster Care Eligibility Support