RealTime Talent is a public-private collaboration between public agencies, private industry, higher education, and workforce developers. We are focused on helping a wide variety of decision-makers use real-time job posting data to help find solutions to our state’s greatest workforce challenges. By providing access to data, training, and research support, RealTime Talent works with:
•Employer associations and chambers of commerce who support employers in meeting their talent needs;
•Academic leaders that choose which programs to start, stop, scale up, or scale down to meet the needs of their students and the economy;
•Academic, nonprofit, and workforce center counselors who guide students and job seekers in choosing educational investments and securing employment;
•Government agencies, foundations, and policy makers that monitor the current job market and prepare for the state’s future workforce needs.
We owe a large debt of gratitude to the 600+ stakeholders who helped us figure out the best way to make a difference in the Minnesota workforce ecosystem, the nearly 900 Minnesota leaders currently using the real-time data tool TalentNeuron Recruit, and the wide variety of higher education, private sector, government, foundation, and nonprofit organizations who have invested time, leadership, and resources to help us get this far.
Research Services
HQ Location
101 5th Street East
Suite 2400
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101, US
Workforce analyticsJob market monitoringTalent needs assessmentEducational program developmentEmployment guidance
Real-time job posting dataData accessTrainingResearch support
EconomicAcademic& Labor Force ResearchData Tools & Technical SupportCross-Sector Collaboratio