Real Time Accounting ensures your books are constantly up to date and you know exactly where you are with your account balances, as well as revenue and profit. The opposite of "Real Time Accounting" is getting your financial statements done once per year leaving you unsure of your financial result and tax liability for months after each year end.
Technology has changed the accounting industry more in the last 5 years than the last 50 years. The days of taking records to your accountant in a shoe box followed by a six month wait time in order for them to prepare your tax returns, and then receiving a hefty bill, are over.
These days’ smart modern businesses are using powerful, inexpensive cloud based technology that is processing data in "real time". This produces immediate valuable data for less than the cost to process using old fashioned systems. There is no need for expensive hardware and infrastructure and information can be accessed remotely 24/7, which in turn is helping grow the value of the business.
As well as having more accurate and timely information, businesses adopting "Real time Accounting" are often making significant cost savings in annual compliance costs.
Services can include:
System & Process Reviews
Setup & Support
Software Integration
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
Trust & Estate Planning
Financial Statements & Tax Returns
Virtual Board Meetings