Our florists are in ps interest kayoon Surabaya are engaged in florist and decorations, receive orders, manufacture and delivery of all products bouquets like wreaths board (bouquets board flowers / steek werk), a bouquet of flowers bouquet in the form table bouquet or hand bouquet (bouquet table and a bouquet of hand), wreaths of mourning (condolences), parcels of fruit, parcel feast, decoration of buildings as well as home decor and other products field florist, for events greeting grief, congratulations, inauguration, birthday, valentine, event promotion, major holidays and religious events or other events. we serve the entire city of Java timur.untuk costs free.We SEND AREA SURABAYA serve 24 hours.
Decorational Plants, Flower and Plants, Agriculture, Plantation and Animal Husbandry, Decorative Flowers, Holiday & Party Decorations, Arts and Craft, Hand Bouquet, Wedding Decoration and Gifts, Flower Board
HQ Location
Jl Kayoon no C7 Surabaya, Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Karangan Bunga PapanBunga Papan Duka CitaStanding FlowerTable FlowerBunga Papan Happy Wedding