The Ramon Aboitiz Foundation (RAFI) is a non-stock, non-profit organization (SEC Registration 31083) established in 1966 by Don Ramon Aboitiz. It is accredited by the Philippine Council for NGO Certification (PCNC no. 021-2020) and a member of the Association of Foundations.
RAFI’s role is to provide the architecture of participation, setting the stage for partnerships, coalitions and project management by working with local government and civil society in bringing about positive change. RAFI works closely with communities and partners in the development and implementation of new programs and projects, digital transformation support, and grant support.
Its main program domains include Economic, focused on improving the economic well-being of communities; Social, creating opportunities for growth and improving a sense of identity and purpose; and Physical, building healthy, resilient and livable communities.
One of the Foundation’s main purposes is to elevate the lives of individuals and communities through a holistic approach that champions best practices in community development. To address the societal issues that negatively impact the well-being of individuals and communities RAFI operates the following programs:
Physical Well-being: The Dolores Aboitiz Children’s Fund to address the need of early education and nutrition, the Eduardo J. Aboitiz Cancer Center to promote cancer awareness and provide treatment and after patient care support, and the One to Tree Program to address biodiversity conservation and livelihood for farmers.
Social Well-being: The Center for Leaders to address the shortage of leaders and role models, The Culture and Heritage Unit to prevent the devaluation of local heritage manifested by a weak sense of cultural identity and pride, and the Education Development Unit.
Economic Well-being: RAFI Micro Finance Inc, to address high poverty and unemployment resulting in unmet family needs and poor quality of life.