Rainbow ICT Services was established in 2000 by P&V Group and Dexia Insurance Belgium, member of the Dexia Group. P&V Group joined Rainbow ICT Services together with several of its subsidiaries, such as Vivium and Actel. Corona and Belstar, subsidiaries of Dexia Insurance Belgium, are also member of Rainbow ICT Services.
In June 2003, Swiss Life Belgium and Zelia also joined the organisation.
The service provider, which operates from the centre of Brussels, supports some 150 staff members internally and another 5000 IT users externally.
Rainbow may be a provider of IT services, but you still cannot compare the company to other businesses that offer similar services. After all, Rainbow is an Economic Interest Grouping. This means that the organisation provides services only to members of the partnership, which are all active in the insurance sector. Also,due to its legal setup, Rainbow operates without profit or loss and without VAT constraints. Above all, members can invest in a solid ICT infrastructure together. They decide collectively on important investment projects, so that anything ICT related that does not belong to their core tasks is separated off, pooled and managed by Rainbow. In this way the partners share the costs of large investments, bringing about important advantages of scale.