RainGrid, Inc. is the global champion of circular rain for the decarbonization and democratization of civic stormwater infrastructure. Our ARGoN (Aggregated Rain Grid Network) systems are community scale networks of intelligent retention and reuse generating ecosystem credits that reflect circular rain's aggregated benefits against potable water offsets, flood and drought resilience, and watershed restoration.
• For municipalities, counties and metropolitan sewer districts, ARGoN reduces the risk of sewer backups, overland flooding and property damage while extending the life of legacy stormwater pond and piped conveyance infrastructure.
• For land developers ARGoN offers the opportunity to reduce approval times, pipe diameters and water balance, and stormwater pond area.
Aggregated Rain Grid Network Outcomes:
• stormwater quantity & quality management
• property based real-time data visualization & aggregated credit analytics
• community & property-owner engagement and customer relationship management
• CSO source control
• overland runoff reduction
• real-time rainwater harvesting and reuse
• potable water Demand Side Management
• lot level groundwater recharge for watershed planning and balancing