In 1995 a group of like-minded individuals began coming together to find ways to help people to help themselves. Consequently in July 2009 we founded Radiant Life Technologies, which is now a growing international business. Our approach has been to pool our own financial, entrepreneurial and technical resources to promote the empowerment of the individual through the medium of holistic self-sufficiency.
The dividends earned by Radiant Life Technologies are reinvested in ongoing research work to develop further cutting edge technologies. These technologies will benefit men and women in claiming their power by becoming ever more holistic in the development of sustainable self-sufficiency.
The first of the 21st century technologies brought to the world by Radiant Life Technologies is coMra therapy, a revolutionary breakthrough in medical science. This breakthrough enables men and woman to become far more self-sufficient and therefore responsible in managing their health, continued well-being and happiness.
#healingwithcoherence #comra #comratherapy