TRANSFORMING CITY REGIONS (TCR) is an European Master programme, which aims to educate professionals for the current and future challenges of the evolving European territories of different scales with the respect to the environment, using the technical excellence and solution-oriented approach, understanding the economic efficiency and respecting the social needs.
The TCR programme is one of the few programmes designed anew at the RWTH Aachen University in order to respond to the European territorial challenges with the particular focus on project-and-design-oriented education which will equip graduates with not only recent and solid knowledge but also with the tools and methodologies that will help to face the problems of changing European cities and regions. Engineering and design-oriented profile of the graduates, despite clear interdisciplinary orientation, is deeply rooted in the tradition of the Faculty of Architecture RWTH Aachen University and gives also a strong identity to the programme.
TCR welcome applicants from the fields of architecture, urban planning, landscape planning, civil engineering, geography, among others; in particular, those who are interested in advanced concepts and strategies in urban design and development on a neighbourhood, city and regional scale.